Acknowledgements: CAA Skyway Code 2017
There are a few specific attitudes that have been
consistently identified as being factors in poor decision making and the cause
of accidents:
· Anti-authority – aviation regulations sometimes have (occasionally
deservedly) a reputation for being ineffective or irrelevant. However, for the
most part the basic operating rules for GA have developed from harsh
experience. Following the rules will not guarantee safety; however, breaking them
will likely expose you to additional risks.
The rules are there for a reason
· Impulsiveness – accidents often seem to involve actions that are inexplicable
or out of character for the individuals involved.
Pilots who are ‘usually so careful’ occasionally seem to do things that appear
to be quite reckless. One explanation is that situational pressures overcome
peoples’ ability to make rational judgements and the impulse to ‘just do
something’ takes over.
Remember: You must always think before you act, regardless of how much pressure there is to act on impulse.
· Complacency – people often believe bad things only happen to
others. One of the most enduring truths about aviation is that the hazards
within it treat all who enter equally. It can be tempting to abridge the pre-flight
check or not bother to check NOTAMs, on the basis that there is rarely anything
Remember: It could happen to you.
· Machismo – thankfully perhaps less common today than it once
was, a macho attitude
is essentially
one that sees risk-taking as
a positive thing
and a challenge to rise to. For example, pushing on into poor weather in the
belief that you are tough enough to handle it or taking risks to impress
Remember: Taking
unnecessary risks is foolish.
· Resignation – with so many different factors to contend with
when flying, it is sometimes tempting to believe that you have no influence on
outcomes and that fate will run its course regardless of how you act. While
some accidents appear to betray the hand of fate in a way no one could have
foreseen, these are generally the exception. Many GA accidents would not have
happened had better decisions been made before or during the flight.
Remember: You are the master of your own destiny. Take
decisive action to achieve a safe outcome.

Attitudes to risk will always vary, especially in the broad
church of general aviation. Overall an attitude that is thoughtful and cautious
will stand you in good stead for GA flying. Everyone at one point or another
will likely display elements of a risky attitude.
The trick is to remember that all humans are vulnerable.
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